Cell Phone Policy » Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy

LAUSD and Olive Vista MS & STEAM Magnet POLICY


On June 16, 2024, the Los Angeles Unified Board of Education and Olive Vista MS adopted Res-035-23/24, “Supporting Student Mental Health and Learning Ensuring a Phone-Free School Day.”


Resolution supports:

  • A phone-free school day increases student interaction, classroom management.
  • The resolution calls for no SmartPhones for the entire school day.
  • Includes similar devices like SmartWatches, earbuds, SmartGlasses.
  • Students can use devices before and after school hours, off campus.
  • During an emergency, students will be able to access their cell phones when staff determines that it is safe to do so.
  • This new policy was developed to align with California and Federal legal requirements, for implementation beginning the second semester of the 2024/25 school year.
  • OVMS will utilize Yondr pouches and have zero tolerance for violations.


  1. Two lines: Phone and No-Phone
  2. Turn off phone, show phone in pouch and lock it as you enter the campus
  3. 1st offense – If NO Pouch, leave phone in office and contact parents
  4. 2nd offense – If NO Pouch, leave phone in office, legal guardian picks up


  1. Multiple UNLOCKING devices at exits
  2. Students unlock on their own
  3. Unlock devices at the office when leaving early
  4. Once students exit, they are to remain OFF campus
  5. After school program will unlock devices for students in their program at pick up



Our goal is to support student mental health while creating an environment where students feel safe.  If:

  • Students forgets pouch,
  • Does not store it properly, not off,
  • Has it out during the school day


We will implement the following:

  • 1st offense – phone confiscated and returned at 3:20 pm
  • 2nd offense - phone confiscated and call to parents
  • 3rd offense – phone confiscated and have student drop off and pick up in the office for one week
  • 4th offense – parent conferences – ask for phone to remain at home