School Safety
Uniform Policy
Students are expected to be in school uniform on the first day of school. Students and parents that may need assistance with uniforms should contact us at 818-833-3900.
Cell phone and earbud/airpod Policy
Please know that Olive Vista does not allow electronics besides student computers to be used from when students enter campus until the final bell of the day. Electronics should be off and stored in backpacks. If you need to reach your student or get a message to them in an emergency, please call 818-833-3900 and select counseling or attendance office.
Student Drop off in the Morning
All parents are asked to DROP OFF students in the morning at the Borden gate, near our auditorium. Students should be dropped off no later than 8:15 am to ensure students make it to class on time.
Student Pick up After school
Dismissal Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday is at 3:16 pm
Dismissal Tuesday is at 2:15 pm
Two gates are open for dismissal. Please plan ahead with your child which gate you would like them to exit. We will open Tyler Street gate at the front of the school or Borden St gate next to the auditorium.
Student Pick up After School should be within 20 minutes
If your child needs to remain at school longer than 20 minutes waiting for pick up, please sign your child up for the after school program!
Please follow traffic laws - Drop students off on the school side sidewalk or use the crosswalk!
Cones will be set up along Borden street for drop off in the morning. Please ask your child to use the crosswalk if crossing the street, for everyone's safety drop your child off on the school side of the street.